看板 C_Chat
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可是三月七只是自稱美少女而已 -- On the surface, the farmer tills the soils, trading the strength of his arm for a whole land of his own. But the parasites say "NO! What is yours is ours! We are the state, we are God, we demand our share." ─Andrew Ryan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1722829376.A.E93.html
gsock: 不然房間直接給我好了 08/05 11:43
dog29635841: 請問付款窗口在哪 08/05 11:43
polanco: 早就看膩了 08/05 11:45
cor1os: 收錢可不能只有看了 08/05 11:49
Kroner: 維他命d3副作用 08/05 11:49
ThreekRoger: 我信用點很多 08/05 11:49
loverxa: 可以包半年嗎 08/05 11:53
xxxff0645: 既然都要收錢了 直接全套了吧 08/05 11:58
Kroner: 維生素d3功效 08/05 11:58