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2024 FTISLAND LIVE ‘PULSE’ IN ASIA https://www.facebook.com/events/1690475665099744/?post_id=1690476298433014 https://i.imgur.com/hYtpevF.jpeg
Hello This is FNC ENTERTAINMENT. 2024 FTISLAND LIVE ‘PULSE’ IN ASIA will be held. If you would like to purchase the ticket, please refer to the following information. Concert Information: [MANILA] -Date: September 14th, 2024 (Sat) [HONG KONG] -Date: September 28th, 2024 (Sat) [KAOHSIUNG] -Date: October 26th, 2024 (Sat) [MACAU] -Date: November 10th, 2024 (Sun) Please check the details through further notice. Looking forward to your love and support. Thank you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaStar/M.1722592439.A.866.html
forwardrou: 又再一次到南部弄假牙 08/02 19:37
hcl45: 真棒~~歡迎加入走灶咖的行列XDD 08/02 22:55
BeAstLIN12: 再次到南部弄假牙220.133.134.144 08/03 03:46