看板 KoreanPop
STUDIO CHOOM Artist Of The Month July 2024 成韓彬(ZB1) - Bad Boy https://youtu.be/E_2f5RLsT_o
Spotlight https://youtu.be/G74_IB5p1gE
* Composed by DRD, Jessica Pierpoint (INHOUSE) * Choreographer: BADA LEE, JRICK BACK * Tutting Choreographer: Spella * Performance Directer: Song Jaeyeob * Dancer: Spella, Lusher, LEESU, Tatter, Eunki, Sowon, Injeong, Hyunmin, Shabo , Chanyoung, Hyunjun https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GS1ymgDa0AAQbwb.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (香港) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1721400569.A.6C4.html
anoxox: 韓彬真的超強!中間黑色眼罩那段太驚人了07/19 23:30
manmani: 推,可以看到不同舞蹈造型風格~07/19 23:42
barihan: 推07/19 23:48
clique: 推韓彬 每段都很精采07/20 02:35
Chricey: UC2推薦 08/04 21:41※ 編輯: manmani ( 香港), 07/20/2024 17:36:02
manmani: https://youtu.be/1anuNYxveNc 作曲家訪問 07/21 10:15
manmani: https://youtu.be/MLQpnAMBYOg 側拍 07/21 21:04
manmani: 側拍很讚,力量控制細節變化更清楚了~ 07/22 15:12
Chricey: 蔓越莓益生菌推薦 07/22 15:12
yingccc: 推~全能偶像 07/23 23:31
manmani: https://youtu.be/V-5c6mg01s8 幕後紀錄 07/30 22:48
manmani: https://youtu.be/ZigH2vqFvjA 練習室 08/04 21:41
Chricey: GABA 08/04 21:41