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https://reurl.cc/VzNAkR Monumental Sports & Entertainment CEO Ted Leonsis, who offered more than $2 bill ion to buy the Washington Nationals from the Lerners last year after the family announced it would explore the possibility of selling the team in April 2022, co nfirmed Tuesday that he remains interested in adding the MLB franchise to his pr ofessional sports empire 在之前開價超過20億美金要買國民隊失敗的NBA巫師老闆Ted Leonsis 在週二告訴華盛頓郵報說,他仍然希望能買下國民 In February, Mark Lerner, the Nationals’ managing principal owner, said the tea m was no longer for sale, but people familiar with the Lerners’ thinking have s aid they expect the family would consider a new offer after the 2024 season, sho uld a bidder surface. 雖然目前國民老闆Mark Lerner宣佈不賣了 但知情人士表示,預期在2024年結束後 有可能會再次聽取報價 the Lerners explored a sale before the 2022 season, the asking price was somewhe re around the $2.4 billion Steve Cohen paid for the New York Mets in 2020, accor ding to people familiar with their thinking. Lerner家族想要比照Cohen買梅子的24億美金 But everyone from Lerner family members to MLB officials doubted the Nationals w ould receive the offer they wanted until the uncertainty and litigation surround ing their television revenue was resolved. 但他們必須解決和金鶯隊多年的轉播權爭議才可能賣到想要的金額 A resolution to the MASN situation never seemed likely while the Angelos family, long resentful of the Lerners and the arrival of the Nationals, controlled the team. But new Orioles owner David Rubenstein, who partnered with Leonsis in expl oring a bid for the Nationals, has offered reason for optimism, promising to fin d a way to resolve the dispute. 金鶯換新老闆了,所以或許能解決此事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1715756092.A.FF0.html
SPOT2525: 開19億嗎? 05/15 16:55
giancarloye: 賣了希望不要改名,然後好好改善農場系統 05/15 20:30
abc12812: 買國民然後搬家到亞歷山卓嗎? 05/15 22:27
cobras638: 能成功嗎? 05/16 00:46
HugoBoss: 能請教為何國民轉播權跟O's有關? 05/16 07:08
Kroner: 頻尿 05/16 07:08
ksaon: 就原本Angelos擁有MASN股權 卡華盛頓地區的運動賽事轉播 05/16 11:24
icecreamdog: 轉播權的爭議起源是因為國民從蒙特利爾遷來後 05/16 12:01
icecreamdog: 要彌補金鶯隊失去原本轉播領地 華盛頓、北維州、西馬 05/16 12:02
Kroner: 益生菌 05/16 12:02
icecreamdog: 州的損失 05/16 12:02