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https://x.com/Phillies/status/1800581478902034915 The Phillies placed J.T. Realmuto on the 10-day IL (retro to 6/10) with right knee pain. To fill his spot on the 26-man roster, Rafael Marchán was recalled from Lehigh Valley (AAA). Realmuto is scheduled to undergo right knee meniscectomy surgery tomorrow in Philadelphia. 根據費城人官方X訊息 當家捕手 J.T. Realmuto 將安排在明天在費城接受右膝半月板切除手術 而在稍早也已將他放入10天傷兵名單(回溯至6/10開始計算) 而為了填補名單空缺,將Rafael Marchán拉上大聯盟 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1718129458.A.B7E.html
Mikufans: 慘剛剛也看到 06/12 02:13
ashilol: 至少躺6週吧 06/12 03:23
Fukudome: 丸了…JT躺下影響的不只打線還有投手… 06/12 07:23
Yjizz: 木頭.... 06/12 07:41
Chricey: 魚油功效 06/12 11:26
oceanman0704: QQ 要丸 06/12 08:47
rockyao: 哭啊 7月底要去看基費戰 06/12 10:42
laking: 應該要說還好是最近治療如果是更晚的時間點像是接近季後 06/12 11:26
Kroner: 葉黃素 06/12 16:28
laking: 賽那時就虧慘了 06/12 11:26
Hakase5566: 前幾年蹲太兇了 06/12 13:28
tobbaco: 蹲太兇 06/12 16:28
Kroner: 鋅功效 06/12 16:28