看板 MLB
在史上第一份小聯盟勞資協議簽署後 小聯盟待遇變好許多 想說就來整理一下 https://reurl.cc/KeRm6q 小聯盟薪資 Salaries 休賽季薪資 Offseason camp: $625 per week (Previous minimum was $0). In the fall and winter training periods, players receive this amount if they are invited to a team faci lity. If they are not invited but choose to train there, the player receives the below at-home rate. 休賽季若被要求去基地參加訓練營,那一週能領625鎂薪水(以前是沒薪水的) Offseason at home: $250 per week, except the six-week dead period around the hol idays when players cannot be asked to work. Teams cannot direct a player to work more than 10 hours per week at home. (Previous minimum was $0.) 休賽季如果你是待在家,每週可領250鎂薪水(以前是沒薪水的) 然後球隊不可要求你每週在家訓練超過十小時 Spring training: $625 per week (Previous minimum was $0). If a minor leaguer is brought to major league camp, they return to the $625 per week rate only upon be ing reassigned to minor league camp. 小聯盟春訓一週能領625鎂薪水(以前是沒薪水的) Dead period: No pay. 禁止工作週:沒薪水 每個層級保障薪資(2025開始每年會調漲) Minimum annual salaries: The below salaries are for 2023 and 2024. In each of 20 25, 2026 and 2027, they have minor increases year to year. Rookie/complex league: $19,800, up from $4,800 previously Low A: $26,200, up from $11,000 High A: $27,300, up from $11,000 Double A: $30,250, up from $13,800 Triple A: $35,800, up from $17,500 What those salaries break down to on a weekly basis in-season: Rookie/complex league: $675 per week, up from $400 previously Single A: $850 per week, up from $500 High A: $900, up from $500 Double A: $1,000, up from $600 Triple A: $1,200, up from $700 保障年薪 3A $35,800 原本$17,500 2A $30,250 原本$13,800 高A $27,300 原本$11,000 1A $26,200 原本$11,000 新人 $19,800 原本$4,800 如何賺的比保障薪資多? Ability to earn above the minimum Players will now make an extra $375 per week spent working in the offseason. Tha t’s the difference between at-home pay ($250 per week) and offseason camp pay ( $625 per week). So if a player goes to a team facility once the minor league sea son ends for instructional work, they’re receiving more money. 前面有提到 休賽季被要求去基地訓練(週薪625鎂) 休賽季待在家(週薪250鎂) 那如果想多賺錢,也有第三個選項 可以選擇自己主動去基地訓練(週薪375鎂) With pay for spring training and for time spent at complexes, be it extended spr ing training or otherwise, players are to be compensated now for all days they a re working. (This includes rehabilitation work, outside of the dead period.) 只要有工作就一定有薪水領 Per diem: Players receive a per diem of $30 per day (up from $25 previously), wi th cost-of-living adjustments calculated during the agreement. Per diem is to be paid on days players are traveling to or from a team facility, i.e., after swit ching levels or leaving for the end of the season. 然後每天有30鎂津貼 住宿 Housing All players are guaranteed housing except for players who have either a major le ague contract, or minor leaguers earning more than $4,666.67 per week, which wou ld only be players who signed their minor league deal as a free agent. Players a t that earning level can negotiate for club-provided housing in their contract. (Those players are guaranteed housing in spring training and offseason camps lik e everyone else.) 所有小聯盟球員都會提供住宿,除了以下兩種狀況除外 有大聯盟合約的球員 週薪超過$4,666.67的球員 The MLBPA is to receive advance notice of accommodations and can provide feedbac k. Teams are to respect player privacy, and can conduct room inspections or enter a player’s room only when the occupants of the premises are present. 保障球員隱私,球團只能在球員也在現場時進入房間 1.小聯盟春訓時期住宿 Spring training Minor leaguers are to be in hotels or dorms during spring, with no more than two beds per bedroom. 小聯盟春訓時的住宿會在飯店或是公寓 然後一個房間最多住兩人 During spring training, players who have at least 30 days of service in Triple A or Double A — as well as players projected to be on a roster at either of thos e levels — can opt out and receive a stipend. Teams can determine the stipend, but it can be no less than $50 per night and no more than the amount the team wo uld otherwise have spent for housing. (Teams will have to be able to demonstrate that cost.) Teams at their discretion can choose to offer an opt-out under those terms to pl ayers at other levels. 確定被分發到3A/2A、或是在這兩層級年資超過30天的球員 可以選擇不住在球團提供的春訓住宿處 這時球團必須給予每天至少50美金的住宿補助 但也不能高於原本球團提供住宿花費 2.小聯盟球季中主場住宿 At home in-season Host families are not permitted. Extended-stay hotels can be used only with MLBP A approval. Short-term hotels during a rehab assignment or after a player has be en moved to a given team are limited to a maximum of 14 days. 不可以用寄宿家庭 要住飯店須獲得MLB球員工會核准 Once the season begins, Double-A and Triple-A players assigned to an affiliate a nywhere besides the team complexes are to receive their own bedroom. 3A/2A層級的球員會有自己獨享的臥室 Single-A and High-A players may be asked to share a bedroom, but can opt out wi th sufficient notice and receive a stpend. Once again, the individual teams det ermine the amount of the stipend, but it can be no less than $50 per night and n o more than the amount the team would otherwise have spent for housing. (Teams w ill have to be able to demonstrate that cost.) 低A、高A層級球員可能會被要求共用一間臥室 但可以選擇不住,然後球團會給租屋補助自己去租 補助一樣是一天至少50美金 Players who have a spouse and/or children have to give sufficient notice and are to be accommodated in one of two ways: with a “family-friendly” housing optio n or with a stipend. 有攜眷的球員有兩種選擇 可以選擇適合家庭的房型 OR 領補助自己租 The family-friendly housing option guarantees a married player a private bedroo m, while a player with one or more children is guaranteed at least two bedrooms. The stipend would be equal to the actual average rent for players at the affili ate, and no less than $50 per night. 適合家庭的房型內含一個臥房 然後如果有小孩的話,會保證給兩個臥房 All housing is to be a reasonable, commutable distance from the stadium and to i nclude a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, shared living space with typical appliances and furniture. 此外球團提供的住宿處,距離球場都必須在一定的範圍內 並且必須有臥房/浴室/廚房/共享生活空間 並附有基本的電器和家具 Players cannot be required to sign leases or utility agreements, and are not to be responsible for electricity, water, gas, sewage, trash, or Wi-Fi bills, but a re responsible for subscriptions such as Netflix. 租約是由球團負責簽、不是球員 然後球團也要支付水電費/網路費/瓦斯費 但如果是訂閱Netflix的錢,那就要球員自己付了XD 3.小聯盟球季中客場住宿 On the road in-season The commissioner’s office must approve all road hotels, which have safety, secu rity and cleaning standards, and must have high-speed internet. Teams can have p layers share hotel rooms on the road, but can also provide players their own roo m. Minor league player reps will provide regular feedback about hotels to the MLBPA , and the commissioner’s office is expected to investigate valid complaints abo ut them. 要住由大聯盟主席辦公室核准的飯店 代表安全性/整潔都符合聯盟標準,然後一定要有高速的網路 此外小聯盟工會代表會定期提供回饋給聯盟/工會 聯盟會針對有效的投訴進行調查 小聯盟飲食 Meals Teams are to provide high-quality meals both before and after every game and wor kout, and a joint clubhouse nutrition committee is in place to address complaint s. Teams also have to provide cost-effective and nutritious snacks, and at least one NSF Certified for Sport protein supplement. 球隊需在每次比賽和訓練的前後,提供高品質的餐點 並成立營養委員會來處理投訴 此外還必須提供經濟實惠且營養豐富的零食 以及至少一種經過 NSF 認證的運動蛋白質補充劑 小聯盟交通 Transportation 球場通勤 To and from the stadium Rookie, Low-A and High-A players are guaranteed transportation between their dwe lling and the park. Each team is to have a transportation coordinator. Players w ith cars are to cooperate with reasonable requests from the coordinator to allow players who do not have cars to tag along, so long as there’s room in the car. Players may be asked to sign an MLBPA-approved liability waiver when they’re d riven by team officials to and from the park. 新人/低A/高A球員都享有住宿和球場之間的通勤保障 每一隻球隊會有一位協調員 陣中自己有車的球員應配合協調員的合理要求 幫忙接送沒車的隊友 Double-A, Triple-A and Arizona Fall League Players do not have a coordinator or the guarantees of daily transportation. But if a player at one of those levels t ells the MLBPA they don’t have a safe option, the league and the union will wor k together to address the issue. 2A以上就沒有通勤保障或是協調員 但如果找不到安全通勤方式的話,那工會和聯盟會幫你處理 個人通勤 Individual travel If a team sends a player somewhere and the player drives, the player is guarante ed reimbursement at the IRS mileage rate for the full length of the trip (with n o cap), as well as a hotel room for multi-day trips. The hotel room is subject t o club approval that it is necessary. If a player flies, they receive a coach ti cket, luggage reimbursement for up to two checked bags — three for catchers — and transportation to and from the airport. 如果球員被指派到其他地方,並由球員自行駕車去的話 將依照標準里程計算率來補助你這趟車程的$$$$ 而且如果這趟旅程超過一天,也會提供飯店住宿 如果是選擇搭飛機去 將獲得一張經濟艙機票+最多兩件托運行李+往返機場的交通服務 If a team does not let a player drive from spring training to their affiliate wh en camp breaks, the player is to be reimbursed for shipping the car, provided th ere was adequate notice given that the player wanted to bring his car. 此外如果球團不允許球員在春訓結束後 自己開車,從春訓基地開去被分發的球隊 那球團也會支付把車子送過去的運費 球隊通勤 Team travel Teams will have two full-size buses for all road trips. If a trip is more than 2 50 miles, they receive sleeper or luxury buses (as long as they’re available). On plane rides, players receive a coach seat, reasonable luggage fees and transp ortation to and from the airport. In Triple A, for trips longer than 550 miles, the league and the union will discuss whether a trip should be by plane or bus. 球隊會有兩台大尺寸巴士用於全隊通勤 如果行程超過250英里,他們將獲得臥舖或是坐豪華巴士 如果是搭飛機,球員可以獲得經濟艙座位以及往返機場的交通服務 而在3A層級,對於超過550英里的行程,聯盟和工會將討論應該乘坐飛機或是搭車 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1718330532.A.65D.html
shinichi4869: 待遇比以前好很多欸06/14 10:27
chopinlee: 如果這些以前都沒有或是更低配,實在是無法想像要怎麼06/14 10:38
chopinlee: 在美國過活06/14 10:38
nuclearbomb: 我以前留學時,一位同學的男友是老虎的小聯盟球員,06/14 10:42
Chricey: gaba是什麼 06/14 12:25
nuclearbomb: 最後曾升到3A,他後來覺得棒球生涯差不多了就改去經06/14 10:42
nuclearbomb: 營餐車。當時小聯盟球員要養家真的很困難。06/14 10:42
saidon: 2f 所以有些小聯盟球員休賽季會去打零工阿06/14 10:49
Kroner: b群 06/14 12:58
azlbf: U文06/14 10:51
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 11:07:19
nolander: nice整理 06/14 11:10
EngivalLirva: 感謝分享 06/14 11:22
Chricey: b群 06/14 13:41
axisquid: 待遇屌打中職了吧 06/14 11:22
Jeter: 這待遇屌打中職,你說笑吧? 06/14 12:25
ThomasHSNU: 推 06/14 12:25
Chricey: 鋅功效 06/14 17:51
tn00037166: 推 詳細資料 06/14 12:32
whhw: 推 06/14 12:43
IVIVI: 推整理 06/14 12:58
Kroner: b群 06/14 18:10
borriss: 以前MJ跑去打小聯盟,還自費買了球隊用的巴士 06/14 13:07
stephanal: 年薪翻倍上去欸 經常被噴只有果醬吐司的食物也提升了 06/14 13:41
stephanal: 至少像個人待的了 06/14 13:41
Chricey: 馬卡 06/15 07:32
Friday: 調升後3A薪水也差不多台幣1百萬? 在美國真的吃緊 06/14 15:29
Mikufans: 推 06/14 15:48
Anakin: 大部分的3A球員不是領這個薪水 06/14 17:51
Kroner: 維他命b 06/16 22:14
cha122977: 主要是移動很花時間吧 舟車勞頓 06/14 17:56
zx246800tw: 推 06/14 18:01
RodrigueZ810: 包吃住有額外獎金百萬台幣也能過了拉 06/14 18:10
Kroner: 馬卡 06/22 18:45
kee32: 感謝翻譯分享 06/14 19:09
mark0204: 06/14 19:53
kenkenken31: 推 06/15 07:32
Kroner: b12 06/15 07:32
sdiaa: 以現金來說低階小聯盟影響比較多 高階田名單的球員多數是 06/15 15:23
sdiaa: 小聯盟FA 薪水本來就是三五萬 06/15 15:24
MgmbhPigHead: 推 06/16 22:14
Chricey: 益生菌怎麼吃 06/16 22:14
EnigmaMike: 推 06/17 01:29
lkjhgfdsa681: 推 06/18 03:15
abc7360393: 除了三萬多年薪之外還有飲食跟住宿津貼阿 實際上拿到 06/22 18:45
Kroner: GABA 06/22 18:45
abc7360393: 的錢應該相當於五萬以上?養家有點吃緊但自己過活應該 06/22 18:45
abc7360393: 勉強還行吧 06/22 18:45