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https://x.com/ArcainiLuke/status/1804513001564762125 The Phillies have signed Cristopher Sanchez to a 4-year extension (plus options) to buy out his arbitration years, per @JonHeyman. Sanchez earned it. He’s been unbelievable this season. Fantastic move. Cristopher Sanchez 與費城人隊簽下四年延長合約 並且附帶合約選擇權 今年球季目前先發出賽14場,戰績為四勝三敗 防禦率 2.91 主投77.1局被擊出81支安打,包含一發全壘打,投出66次三振以及24次四壞球保送 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1719068545.A.A32.html
scatman: 好像還包含29、30的球團選擇權 06/22 23:59
kenkuo1688: 今年被全壘打率超低 但whip 高@@ 06/23 08:56