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https://reurl.cc/mylgpW Six weeks and six days. That's how long Yu Darvish voluntarily went without pay during his leave of absence from the San Diego Padres. 達爾這次在限制名單內待了六週又六天 In July, Yu Darvish chose to be placed on the restricted list while he was deali ng with a private family matter. San Diego Padres general manager A.J. Preller g ave Darvish the option to remain on the injured list so the pitcher could contin ue being paid his salary, but he declined. 當初教士總管A.J. Preller 有跟他說能讓他繼續待在傷兵名單 這樣就能繼續領薪水,但達爾婉拒 The unprecedented move saved the Padres approximately $4 million, according to T he Athletic. 這次進限制名單,讓教士省下約4M薪資 Preller made the effort to call Darvish once a week just to check in with the pi tcher. It was never a business call. Preller也每週打電話關心達爾狀況 6yr/$108M 簽約金6M 2023 24M 2024 15M 2025 20M 2026 15M 2027 14M 2028 14M 依照隊友金河成的說法,大聯盟是球季中才支薪 然後大概兩週領一次 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1724678241.A.DB2.html
HuanYuWu: 超佛好人08/26 21:22
ChrisDavis: 共體時艱08/26 21:25
Fukudome: Respect!08/26 21:50
jason1008: 達爾又帥又強職業態度又好!08/26 21:54
Kroner: 苦瓜胜肽功效 08/26 23:46
laking: 反觀NBA西門08/26 22:00
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 08/26/2024 22:00:31
Keitaro: 西門躺著也中槍 08/26 22:03
kevinftjiang: 從過去那些新聞,實在難想像跟現在的達爾是同一人 08/26 22:11
Kroner: 魚油 08/27 01:29
DRCandle: 推達爾! 08/26 22:50
bkm1: 反觀.....等等....這是哪個板? 08/26 23:16
mygoing: 西門是勞工楷模 相比之下達爾就像老闆旁的... 08/26 23:46
Chricey: gaba是什麼 08/27 11:48
amyer: 4M鎂大概1.2億台幣,可以在台北買豪宅了 08/26 23:54
GodMune0608: 反觀休賽季goat 08/27 00:07
ZaneTrout: 佛 08/27 01:29
Kroner: 瑪卡功效女性 08/27 20:19
Benintendi: 所以本季不投了? 08/27 01:49
cc9i: 這樣球員工會不會有意見嗎? 08/27 10:49
Sechslee: 照規定走要有啥意見? 08/27 11:48
Chricey: 苦瓜胜肽的功效 08/27 11:48
sonesnsdsosi: 那阿北有錯嗎XD 08/27 12:06
chen5512: 這種情況很大機率只會發生在亞洲球員 08/27 17:06
only11: 軟豆…what!? 08/27 20:19
Chricey: 甘露糖 08/27 20:19
dinos: 堪比當年P.Hughes只差0.1IP的.5M獎金 08/27 20:22