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https://tinyurl.com/danhve5m Trade analysis: The Yankees acquire Alex Verdugo, but why? — Law 只引用對Verdugo 的評論 Verdugo is a platoon bat, and the sooner that everyone accepts this the better off we’ll be. Over the past three years, he’s had 532 plate appearances against lefties, and he’s hit .238/.301/.314. Boston’s insistence on playing him every day cost the team a couple of wins over that period, and it’s not like he justified that decision with his defense (he’s been negative in Outs Above Average for three years running) or his intangibles (he was benched last year for lack of hustle and for showing up several hours late for a game). He’s also likely to make close to $10 million in arbitration this year, which I think would have made him a non-tender consideration. Verdugo只能打右投,越早接受這一點,我們就會越好。 在過去三年裡,他對左投手有過 532 次上場機會,打擊率為 .238/.301/.314。 波士頓堅持讓他每天上場,這在這段時間內讓球隊損失了幾場比賽, 而他也沒有以他的守備(過去三年來他的防守指標都是負數)或者他的非量化表現 (他因為缺乏努力和某場比賽遲到了幾個小時而被板凳)來證明這個決定是合理的。 而且,他在今年的仲裁中可能會得到接近 1,000 萬美元的合約, 這讓我認為他有可能被列為不會被續約的考慮範圍內 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1701872088.A.877.html