看板 NY-Yankees
外電原文: https://www.si.com/mlb/2024/05/01/yankees-clay-homes-mesmerizing-pitch-overlay 影片連結: https://iiil.io/jLjF New York Yankees closer Clay Holmes has been lights out thus far into the 2024 season, and that continued during Wednesday night's matchup against the Balti more Orioles. 洋基隊終結者Clay Holmes在2024球季開季至今的表現可以說是所向披靡。在今天剛結束 的以2:0戰勝金鳥的比賽他也持續了這樣的好表現。 Holmes pitched 1 2/3 innings on Wednesday, picking up his league-best 10th sav e of the season. During the outing, his 15th consecutive scoreless appearance of the campaign, Holmes had some nasty bite on his breaking pitches. Holmes在這場比賽中投了1.2局,並最終成功拿下領先大聯盟的第10次救援成功。連同上 賽季,目前為止他已經是連續15次出賽都沒有失分。而在這15次的出賽當中,可以看到Ho lmes的變化球都有著很「噁心的」變化軌跡。 Orioles hitters simply couldn't keep up with the range of breaking pitches he was serving up, and a pitch overlay video of Holmes's 97-mph sinker and 85-mph sweeper, courtesy of Rob Friedman, offered a prime example as to why his pitc hes have proven largely unhittable. 金鳥打者完全無法跟上Holmes所丟出的變化球。稍早Rob Friedman也在X上放了一個將Hol mes的97-mph伸卡球和85-mph的sweeper的投球軌跡重疊起來的影片。不難看出為什麼金鳥 打者根本碰不到Holmes投的球。 Holmes's sinker runs sharply back over the plate, with some seriously nasty la te bite. Meanwhile, the sweeper breaks hard to the outside (against right-hand ed hitters), making for a truly devastating combination. Holmes的伸卡球在到本壘板前會有一個很突然而且變化幅度很大的下墜。而他的sweeper 對右打者來說則是會大幅度地朝他們的外角突然急轉彎。這真的是TM一個很噁心的組合。 The pitch overlay video had MLB fans in awe, as the baseball world could all a gree that facing the 31-year-old seems like an unfair battle for any hitter. 這個影片讓很多球迷都嚇到吃手手。大家應該都可以同意沒有人想要面對現況這麼好的Ho lmes。 心得: Holmes從當初海盜交易來時一個ERA破5的免洗牛,被改造成站穩我基的終結者,真的是不 容易。也希望Holmes可以持續維持這樣的好表現。雖然ERA不可能一直保持在完美的0,但 還是期待他可以帶領我基牛棚在這賽季穩穩關門贏下比賽。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1714637134.A.837.html ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 05/02/2024 16:06:05 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 05/02/2024 16:07:13
ckb91 : 低調 05/02 16:15
Sechslee : 今天這場真的超級強 05/02 17:01
kenro : 今天掉的很誇張,有夠卡的,希望以後都能保持住05/02 17:07
BlueBanBan : 他22年好像也是開季N場沒掉分?05/02 17:23
ckb91 : 進壘角度直接交叉真的噁心 05/02 17:53
Chricey : 瑪卡功效 05/02 17:53
RodrigueZ810: 他第一年開季也是鬼 控球炸掉後就狂噴 05/02 17:53
RodrigueZ810: ^來洋基完整05/02 17:54
Jinx : 把球路重疊看真的超噁的 好扯喔 05/02 18:18
pyrogen : 別太早舒服啊05/02 19:56
Chricey : 葉黃素 05/02 19:56
darktasi : 控球穩定就是神控球跑掉就...05/02 20:20
mark0204 :05/02 21:13
Roronoa5566 : 走鐘時也是心驚膽跳的存在05/02 21:14
phenom42 : 太早05/02 22:49
Kroner : 瑪卡功效 05/02 22:49
※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2024 00:17:21
achun8184 : 今天真的超猛 05/03 00:51
yuwen51 : 控球狀況好時是頂尖終結者05/03 10:03
jeffchen106 : 想稱讚球員就稱讚吧不要那麼迷信05/03 15:22
jeffchen106 : ptt的推文不會影響到他的投球的05/03 15:22
Chricey : 魚油推薦 05/03 15:22
※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 05/06/2024 00:28:16